This program is designed for individuals who fall off track during the week and those who are looking for or are in need of accountability. We look forward to helping you achieve success by providing accountability and keeping you motivated. Our team is excited to help you start your story and to live a healthier life.

Other reasons to sign up:

  • If you are at a plateau and need advice and help with your fitness routine or nutrition
  • You don’t want to join a gym. We can customize home programs at your convenience
  • You need daily motivation and positive reinforcement
  • You have never trained and want an expert to help guide you to optimal health
  • You are extremely busy and you want to get healthy when it fits your schedule


Call us at (585)919-4673 or email us at to sign up and start getting healthier! You can pay with the convenience of your credit card or debit card right over the phone with us or come see us in person to sign up!


Once you sign up, we will utilize online applications such as Facebook messenger and MyFitnessPal, to have a constant and consistent line of communication with you. This will allow us to easily and effectively assess your nutrition and physical activities. Communication and consistency are key to ensure you make progress towards your goals.

Current subscribers to this program have found the interaction with us throughout the week has helped them stay on track. If there is a day where your diet is way off, we can help you refocus and make necessary changes to keep you on your way to your goals. Don’t wait, sign up today and lets get started!!

Here are a few of our latest testimonials from this program:

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*Results vary by the individual’s effort and participation with our program.

*Always consult with your physician or a medical expert before beginning any physical exercise or making changes in your diet.


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